• HTML log file generated by NoNameScript 4.03 on Tuesday, June 3rd 2014, 17:24:57 in 0.21 seconds
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    (14:39:25) (@Pk) drama inc
    (14:39:36) (@Pk) guess who of romanian fags has same everything with cheatorr
    (14:40:42) (@Pk) and he is thinking he can pwn aimgod
    (14:40:43) (@Pk) :d
    (14:54:33) —› join: (GrenadeMan) (webchat@
    (14:58:23) (GrenadeMan) I got a message on center of screen "You are violating rules" and soon got disconnected "You were disabled from playing" and now I can't reconnect anymore (Awaiting connection... at infinite)... anyone experiencing similar problem?
    (14:58:57) (GrenadeMan) It's so FUNNY because I am playing almost everyday for months, what did I violated today?
    (15:07:53) (GrenadeMan) I connected twice and changed name trying to see what happens - Screenshot: http://i61.tinypic.com/2evpvrc.png
    (15:09:03) (@Pk) read rules first
    (15:24:21) (GrenadeMan) http://ex.us.to/rules.html this? yeah I violated language rule, who the hell follow rules anymore??!!! I see more russian than english in server
    (15:25:22) (@Pk) there are more questions to you, like the one why do we see aimbotter which looks exactly like you
    (15:25:22) (GrenadeMan) Bind spam too
    (15:25:37) (@Pk) omfgg maybe read about changing names and ip's to avoid ban?
    (15:25:40) (GrenadeMan) Aimbot lol?
    (15:25:45) (@Pk) i could ban you right away for that
    (15:25:48) (GrenadeMan) you talked with Jakes?
    (15:25:58) (@Pk) what jakes
    (15:26:07) (GrenadeMan) the one who accused me for aimbot then we make cheat jokes every time we met?
    (15:26:08) (@Pk) i see aimbotter which is 1to1 like you
    (15:26:26) (@Pk) you shoot like noob of noob, only total idiot can say you have aimbot
    (15:26:36) (@Pk) however we need to know if you have some "friends"
    (15:26:38) (@Pk) from your city
    (15:26:43) (GrenadeMan) Haven't changed name to avoid ban but to be able to join the server twice and see what happens
    (15:26:47) (@Pk) sharing same connection or anything
    (15:26:56) (GrenadeMan) I was NOT aware that I am banned at the moment I changed name (seen in screenshot)
    (15:26:56) (@Pk) <GrenadeMan> Haven't changed name to avoid ban but to be able to join the server twice and see what happens
    (15:27:02) (@Pk) better dont start with me....
    (15:28:43) (GrenadeMan) I shoot like a noob? true... hardly win a game
    (15:28:47) (GrenadeMan) same about Jakes
    (15:29:23) (@Pk) <Pk> however we need to know if you have some "friends"
    (15:29:23) (@Pk) <Pk> from your city
    (15:29:25) (@Pk) <Pk> sharing same connection or anything
    (15:29:34) (GrenadeMan) he is at my level, both being along the weakest players, but my railgun skill is higher and did some shots that he made to say HAX!!!!!
    (15:29:56) (GrenadeMan) Claiming that railgun accuracy is too high compared with other weapons
    (15:30:12) (GrenadeMan) BUT a true aimbotter would aim very good on every weapon, right?
    (15:30:23) —› kick: (GrenadeMan) was kicked by (Pk) (however we need to know if you have some "friends" from your city)
    (15:31:19) —› join: (GrenadeMan) (webchat@
    (15:31:30) (GrenadeMan) I haven't read your last messages
    (15:32:09) (GrenadeMan) can you copy-paste?
    (15:33:17) (GrenadeMan) btw I have seen aimbotters when playing on playground.ru making 50+ accuracy on lightning gun which is impossible for humans. Yeah I shoot like a noob.... only a noob of noobs would accuse me for aimbot just because I made 60+ accuracy on railgun on few games
    (15:35:26) (GrenadeMan) I still don't understand what happened. Did Jakes or someone else reported to you that I use aimbot?
    (15:38:11) (GrenadeMan) Do you monitor in-game chat or it is logged anywhere?
    (15:39:23) —› kick: (GrenadeMan) was kicked by (Pk) (however we need to know if you have some "friends" from your city)
    (15:40:33) —› join: (GrenadeMan) (webchat@
    (15:40:36) (GrenadeMan) why do you kick me? can't we talk normally?
    (15:40:40) (GrenadeMan) [however we need to know if you have some "friends" from your city]
    (15:40:50) (GrenadeMan) what friends? of course I have social life and friends
    (15:41:08) (@Pk) omfg he is really a fucking retard
    (15:41:10) —› mode: (Pk) sets mode (+b *!*webchat@188.27.254.*)
    (15:41:10) —› This (*!*webchat@188.27.254.*) ban affects: (GrenadeMan)
    (15:41:13) —› kick: (GrenadeMan) was kicked by (Pk) (bye)
    (16:18:00) —› nick: (sn1|afk) is now known as (sn1)
    (16:20:28) (@sn1) omagaaad
    (16:20:44) (@sn1) why this idiot is still alive
    (16:21:32) (@sn1) rofl yesterday he typed ready for start a game with me...and after 10 secs he dc...
    (16:22:24) (@sn1) and his last message was the best
    (16:22:28) (@sn1) xD
    (16:22:58) (@sn1) why didnt u ask him if he has a gf that plays
    (16:25:35) (@Pk) cause he hasnt
    (16:33:55) (@Pk) wheres stereolaw to deal with such people...
    (16:34:04) (@Pk) cause i fucking cant stand such

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